A Third of Young Adults Not Affiliated with a Religion
Young adults are more likely than other age groups to say they are not affiliated with a religion.
Young adults are more likely than other age groups to say they are not affiliated with a religion.
A record 40% of all households headed by someone younger than age 35 owe money on their student loans, by far the highest share among any age group
Young voters are significantly less engaged in this year’s election than at a comparable point in 2008 and now lag far behind older voters in interest in the campaign and intention to vote. The share of voters younger than 30 who are following campaign news very closely is roughly half what it was at this […]
Lee Rainie will describe the Project’s research about those 65 and older use of technology
66% of those ages 18-29 own smartphones; 68% of those living in households earning $75,000 also own them
More than half of Millennials say they identify with or lean to the Democratic Party.
Up to 1.7 million unauthorized immigrants ages 30 and under who arrived in the U.S. as children are eligible for a new Obama administration program that would shield them from deportation and enable them to apply for temporary but renewable work permits, according to updated estimates from the Pew Hispanic Center.
Older Americans are wary of changes to Medicare. Compared with younger people, they are more positive about the way the program operates, less apt to think that changes are needed and far less disposed towards Paul Ryan’s proposal to reshape Medicare. A Pew Research survey in May of 2011 found that those 65 and older […]
The Pew Research's Center's Paul Taylor answers questions about young people's involvement in politics.
The Great Recession seems to have accelerated the tendency of today’s young adults – sometimes labeled the “boomerang generation” – to move out of the family house for a time and then boomerang back.