House gets younger, Senate gets older: A look at the age and generation of lawmakers in the 118th Congress
The median age of voting House lawmakers is 57.9 years, while the new Senate’s median age is 65.3 years.
The median age of voting House lawmakers is 57.9 years, while the new Senate’s median age is 65.3 years.
A majority of U.S. parents are keeping a watchful eye on what their teens do on social media; some are also imposing screen time restrictions.
Nearly half of U.S. teens have been bullied or harassed online, with physical appearance being seen as a relatively common reason why. Older teen girls are especially likely to report being targeted by online abuse overall and because of their appearance.
Evangelical Protestant adults under 40 are more likely than older evangelicals to say climate change is an extremely or very serious problem.
The share of young employees who have been with their employer three years or more has remained relatively steady over time.
Majorities of teens credit social media with strengthening their friendships and providing support while also noting the emotionally charged side of these platforms.
The number of males has exceeded the number of females since the mid-1960s. But by 2050, the worldwide sex ratio is expected to even out.
36% of Americans say that more young adults living with their parents is bad for society, while 16% say it is good for society.
A median of 70% of adults across 19 countries say children in their country will be worse off than their parents financially when they grow up.
The landscape of social media is ever-changing, especially among teens who often are on the leading edge of this space. A new survey of American teenagers ages 13 to 17 finds that TikTok has established itself as one of the top online platforms for U.S. teens, while the share of teens who use Facebook has fallen sharply.