report | Feb 23, 2015

Europe’s Kids Are Moody and Depressed

The future belongs to the young. So how the next generation feels and thinks matters to people of all ages. As much as baby boomers may lament it, it is millennials — those coming of age in this new century — who will shape the world’s economic and geopolitical destiny for years to come.

short reads | Feb 9, 2015

Who are Europe’s Millennials?

What the dwindling youthful population of Europe believes and how their views differ from their aging and far more numerous elders may go a long way toward determining Europe’s fate.

report | Jan 14, 2015

Women and Leadership

Most Americans say women are every bit as capable of being good leaders as men, whether in political offices or in corporate boardrooms. So why, then, are they underrepresented in top jobs?

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