report | Dec 20, 2010

Baby Boomers Approach 65 – Glumly

As the leading edge of the giant Baby Boomer generation turns 65 on January 1, 2011, a Pew Research roundup of new and recent surveys finds that this age group is more downbeat than others about the trajectory of their lives and the direction of the nation as a whole. This report explores Boomers’ political and social values; their economic hopes and fears and their overall satisfaction with life.

report | Mar 11, 2010

Millennials, the Midterms and the Political Landscape Beyond

At a conference at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010, Pew Research Center analysts and outside experts discussed research findings about the Millennial generation, the American teens and twenty-somethings now making the passage into adulthood. The last of three sessions addressed the question of whether Millennials, who rocked the vote in 2008, will show up at the polls this November and how they may shape the political landscape beyond?

report | Feb 24, 2010

Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change

A new national survey focuses on American teens and twenty-somethings who are making the passage into adulthood at the start of a new millennium. These young people have begun to forge their generational personality: confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and open to change.

report | Feb 18, 2010

Democrats’ Edge Among Millennials Slips

The "Millennial Generation" of young voters played a big role in the resurgence of the Democratic Party in the 2006 and 2008 elections, but their attachment to the Democratic Party weakened markedly over the course of 2009.

report | Feb 17, 2010

Religion Among the Millennials

Introduction and Overview MILLENNIALS This is part of a Pew Research Center series of reports exploring the behaviors, values and opinions of the teens and twenty-somethings that make up the Millennial generation. By some key measures, Americans ages 18 to 29 are considerably less religious than older Americans. Fewer young adults belong to any particular […]

report | Mar 12, 2009

Many Would Shrug if Their Local Newspaper Closed

Summary of Findings As many newspapers struggle to stay economically viable, fewer than half of Americans (43%) say that losing their local newspaper would hurt civic life in their community “a lot.” Even fewer (33%) say they would personally miss reading the local newspaper a lot if it were no longer available. Not unexpectedly, those […]

report | Apr 28, 2008

Gen Dems: The Party’s Advantage Among Young Voters Widens

Trends in the opinions of America's youngest voters are often a barometer of shifting political winds. And that appears to be the case in 2008. Use the interactive tool to track generational differences in party affiliation over time.

transcript | Jul 16, 2002

The Compassion Component: Welfare Reform and the Tradition of Social Justice

10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. National Press Club Washington, D.C. Panelists: Ken Connor, President, Family Research Council Ron Haskins, Senior Advisor for Welfare Policy at the Domestic Policy Council of the White House Sharon Parrott, Co-director of Federal TANF Policy, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Jim Skillen, President, Center for Public Justice Roberto Suro, […]

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