short reads | Dec 16, 2013

Who men and women prefer as their co-workers

Most Americans say it doesn’t matter if their co-workers are men or women. But for those with a preference, men say they would rather work with men—and women say the same.

short reads | Dec 5, 2013

U.S. income inequality, on rise for decades, is now highest since 1928

President Obama took on a topic yesterday that most Americans don’t like to talk about much: inequality. There are a lot of ways to measure economic inequality (and we’ll be discussing more on Fact Tank), but one basic approach is to look at how much income flows to groups at different steps on the economic […]

short reads | Nov 21, 2013

JFK torchbearers now vote more Republican

Pew Research has tracked vote preference among different age cohorts in the past several presidential and midterm elections and looked at who was president when each cohort turned 18. By looking at likely voters from our pre-election surveys, we can see how each age cohort voted relative to the national average.

short reads | Nov 12, 2013

What happens when Jews intermarry?

Does intermarriage lead to assimilation and weaken the Jewish community? Or does it strengthen and diversify the Jewish community?

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