report | Jan 26, 2004

Pew Hispanic Center/Kaiser Family Foundation National Survey Of Latinos

National Survey of Latinos: Education is a new comprehensive survey of Latino attitudes toward education, public schools and a variety of education issues, including the No Child Left Behind Act. This national survey is released against the backdrop of major changes in the nation's K-12 system as states and school districts apply sweeping new federal requirements. Conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Kaiser Family Foundation, the survey includes substantial comparison samples of whites and African Americans.

report | Jul 6, 2003

Let the games begin: Gaming technology and college students

This is a report of a study of college students’ use of electronic, video and online games. Seventy percent of college students surveyed reported playing games at least once in a while. The academic and social impacts of gaming are discussed.

report | Jun 12, 2003

Hispanic Youth Dropping Out of U.S. Schools

High school dropout rates are a key performance measure for the American education system. This report shows that the standard method for calculating the dropout rate leads to a distorted picture of the status of Hispanic students in U.S. schools.

report | Sep 15, 2002

College Students and the Web

Data provided by comScore Networks detailing the kinds of Web sites that are particularly appealing to college students, and the kinds of sites where a high proportion of shoppers are college students.

transcript | Sep 25, 2001

Keeping the Faith: The Role of Religion and Faith Communities in Preventing Teen Pregnancy

Washington, D.C. Panelists John J. DiIulio, Ph.D., Director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Senator Joseph Lieberman (invited) Bill Galston, Ph.D., Chair, National Campaign’s Task Force on Religion and Public Values Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, Ph.D., Co-Director, National Marriage Project Brian Wilcox, Ph.D., Director, Center on Children, Families, and the Law, Univ. of Nebraska […]

report | Jun 21, 2001

Teenage Life Online

A detailed look at how children and young adults have incorporated the Internet into their lives, with a focus on family and friend relationships, and fervor with which adolescents use instant messaging technology.

transcript | Mar 14, 2001

Sacred Places, Civic Purposes: Child Care Conference

Washington, D.C. E.J. DIONNE, JR., MODERATOR: Welcome everyone. We have an incredibly impressive audience. I don’t know if you’ve seen the list. Not only put together a good panel, but many of you folks in the audience know more about this field than I do and lots of other people in our country. And I’m […]

report | Jan 28, 1998

Young, Old Differ On Using Surplus To Fix Social Security

Introduction and Summary President Clinton faces a potentially wide generation gap on his proposal to “fix Social Security first.” Older Americans embrace the idea, but younger people are far more interested in spending any budget surplus on programs that benefit their families today. Fully 82% of those age 50 and older say making Social Security […]

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