report | Jun 28, 2007

Libraries, Older Adults & Technology

Older adults are less likely than younger adults to go online, but there are exceptions -- those who "feel" and "do" younger than their chronological age.

report | Jun 27, 2007


About a third of online teens say they have been targets of online harassement. Older girls and intense internet users are the most likely to report these experiences.

report | May 23, 2007

Growing Up With the News

In an era when war, tragedy and scandal often dominate the headlines, America's parents are more likely to encourage children to follow the news than they are to shield them from it.

report | May 14, 2007

Briefing Panelists Debunk Online Safety Myths

The main point of the recent congressional briefing panel was to stop the misinformation and obfuscation around the issue of online child victimization, and to focus on the facts and observations that had emerged from our collective research.

report | Apr 18, 2007

Teens, Privacy and Online Social Networks

The majority of teens actively manage their online profiles to keep the information they believe is most sensitive away from the unwanted gaze of strangers, parents and other adults.

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