report | Sep 28, 2007

Young White Evangelicals: Less Republican, Still Conservative

An analysis of Pew Research Center surveys conducted between 2001 and 2007 suggests that young white evangelicals have become increasingly dissatisfied with Bush and are moving away from the GOP. How will these changes affect the vote in 2008 and beyond?

report | Sep 24, 2007

Teens, Video Games and Time Use

An article in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine asks how adolescents spent their time, specifically looking at gaming in relation to other online and offline activities, and the relationship between time spent in various ac...

report | Sep 18, 2007

Online Worlds and Screen Time

Social networks for younger kids – Are online communities and avatar-based social worlds encouraging obesity?

report | Sep 7, 2007

Internet Addiction in China

Internet addiction in China has been described as a "severe social problem that could threaten the nation's future."

presentation | Aug 16, 2007

A Timeline of Teens and Technology

After covering the basics of internet use, this keynote walks the viewer through a timeline of technology in the life of a high school senior and reflects on the technological realities of their lives today.

report | Aug 14, 2007

Facebook Your Future Roommate

Remember the anticipation you felt on your first day of college? Showing up to your dorm and wondering what your freshman year roommate would be like? You might have even spoken with your assigned roommate on the phone, and maybe you were wonder...

report | Jul 31, 2007

What are parents doing to protect teens online?

Recent headlines about the discovery and removal of 29,000 registered sex offenders on MySpace have added fuel to the fiery debate about the safety of online social networks.

short reads | Jul 21, 2007

Younger Voters Return to the Voting Booth

That's the percentage by which turnout among young voters (ages 18-25) increased in 2004 over the previous presidential election in 2000 -- the largest increase in any single age group. But young people still lag on basic measures of political engagement.

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