Generations 2010: What different generations do online
An at-a-glance guide to how different generations of online Americans use the internet.
An at-a-glance guide to how different generations of online Americans use the internet.
Major trends in how different generations of Americans use the internet
What is the average age at which American kids get cell phones? and is it getting younger?
With Facebook's announcement of the rollout of "Facebook Messages," we offer our data on teens' communication landscape as context for understanding the potential implications of the new feature.
In this talk, presented to the Family Online Safety Institute's annual conference in November 2010, senior research specialist Amanda Lenhart discussed the safety issues that arise as mobile phones become the communications hub for American teens.
Mobile health technology is being used to reach adolescent populations from different cultural backgrounds. Susannah Fox will add Pew Internet's data about health, mobile, and teens to the discussion.
Teens and adults use their cell phones to transmit and receive suggestive images - a practice often called "sexting." This talk outlines the demographics of who is sending and receiving these images and under what circumstances. Further, focus gro...
Millennials continue to be among the strongest backers of Democratic candidates this fall, though their support for the Democratic Party has slipped since 2008. But young voters have given far less thought to the coming elections than have older voters, and this gap is larger than in previous midterms.
Mobile phones have become the hub of teens' communication with peers and others, and is increasingly a source of information as well as connection to others. This talk presents data about which teens have mobile phones, how they use them - texting...
Kristen Purcell and Amanda Lenhart will be speaking at the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s Above the Influence Campaign Summit, sharing Pew Internet data on teen internet use and communication trends that local ONDCP partners can use to i...