report | May 3, 2012

Teens & Online Video

Shooting, sharing, streaming and chatting: social media using teens are the most enthusiastic users of many online video capabilities

report | Mar 19, 2012

Teens, Smartphones & Texting

Texting volume is up while the frequency of voice calling is down. About one in four teens say they own smartphones.

report | Feb 9, 2012

Young, Underemployed and Optimistic

Young adults hit hard by the recession. A plurality of the public believes young adults, rather than middle-aged or older adults, are having the toughest time in today’s economy.

presentation | Dec 13, 2011

Kids, Privacy and Online Drama

Amanda Lenhart, danah boyd, and Alice Marwick will discuss the ways young people interact online, how they manage their privacy, and common misconceptions of adults when it comes to cyberbullying.

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