report | Jul 8, 2013

Birth Rate Trends Differ Notably by Age Group

This is an excerpt from a FactTank posting about new data from the National Center for Health Statistics about birth rates in 2011. Rates for younger women fell to record lows, but rates continued to rise for women ages 40 and older.

short reads | Jun 27, 2013

Why boys with sisters are more likely to be Republicans

Interesting things happen when little boys grow up with sisters: They are less likely to help mom with housekeeping chores—and they’re more likely to grow up to be Republicans, according to a new paper published in the latest issue of the Journal of Politics (doc). Young men who were raised with sisters also are more likely […]

report | Jun 25, 2013

Younger Americans’ Library Habits and Expectations

Americans ages 16-29 are heavy technology users, including in using computers and internet at libraries. At the same time, most still read and borrow printed books, and value a mix of traditional and technological library services.

report | Jun 25, 2013

Younger Americans’ Library Habits and Expectations

Americans ages 16-29 are heavy technology users, including using computers and internet at libraries. At the same time, the most still read and borrow printed books, and value a mix of traditional and technological library services.

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