5 facts about Social Security
Social Security has developed into one of the most popular federal programs, though that popularity is tempered by concern over its long-term financial outlook.
Social Security has developed into one of the most popular federal programs, though that popularity is tempered by concern over its long-term financial outlook.
Helped by the economic recovery, the share not working or enrolled in school dropped to a historic low of 16% by 2014, a Pew Research Center analysis found.
Texting is the most common and frequent way that teens communicate with all types of friends, but they haven’t abandoned phone calling – especially among their closest friends.
Our latest report focuses on how teens develop and sustain friendships in the digital age, including where they meet, communicate and spend time with friends.
American teens don't just make friends in the schoolyard or neighborhood — many are finding new friends online. Video games, social media and mobile phones play an integral role in how teens meet and interact.
Fewer teens are working summer jobs, but those who are are more likely to be in the accommodation and food service sector and less likely to be working retail.
As the oldest Baby Boomers reach retirement age and older generations live longer, more counties across America are graying.
Today nearly six-in-ten (57%) say they would not be upset if they had a child come out as gay or lesbian, according to our survey conducted in May.
The share of teens working summer jobs has dwindled, from well over half as recently as the 1980s to less than a third last year.
At least one-in-five people in Japan, Germany and Italy are already aged 65 or older, and most other European countries are close behind.