The financial risk to U.S. business owners posed by COVID-19 outbreak varies by demographic group
More than four-in-ten U.S. businesses with paid employees are in industries likely to be financially affected more deeply by the outbreak.
More than four-in-ten U.S. businesses with paid employees are in industries likely to be financially affected more deeply by the outbreak.
Some countries where COVID-19 has been deadliest – including the United States and Italy – have populations that skew considerably older than the global average.
More than two-thirds of adults ages 65 or older said they were following news of the pandemic very closely.
Older adults tend to account for large shares of both poll workers and voters in general elections in the United States.
In the United States, 27% of adults ages 60 and older live alone, compared with 16% of adults in the 130 countries and territories studied.
Lower fertility rates and aging populations have become worldwide concerns, but the G7 nations have stood out for their lower birth rates and graying populations.
Alone time for older Americans amounts to about seven hours a day. Time spent alone rises to over 10 hours a day among those living on their own.
Those 60 and older now spend more than half of their daily leisure time, four hours and 16 minutes, in front of screens.
Younger U.S. adults were better than their elders at differentiating between factual and opinion statements in a survey conducted in early 2018.
In 46 countries around the world, adults under age 40 are less likely to say religion is very important in their lives than are older adults.