report | Feb 28, 2006

Who’s Feeling Rushed?

Overall, about a quarter of all adults in this country say they always feel rushed, while a majority of Americans sometimes feel rushed and about a quarter almost never feel rushed.

report | Dec 28, 2005

How Women and Men Use the Internet

Men continue to pursue many internet activities more intensively than women. At the same time, trend data show that women are catching up in overall use and are framing their online experience with a greater emphasis on deepening connections with peo...

report | May 23, 2005

The Gender Gap

A new PEJ study of the news media finds men are cited as sources much more often than women on a wide range of topics

report | May 4, 2005

Revealing Research

Demographic differences in Web site design -- captured by a staple of Halloween parties and roller skating rinks.

report | Feb 23, 2005

Men, Women, and Money

Our November 2004 telephone survey brought some interesting data about women, men, and financial activities online.

report | Oct 27, 2004

The Internet and Democratic Debate

As wired Americans increasingly go online for political news and commentary, we find that the internet is contributing to a wider awareness of political views during this year’s campaign season.

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