short reads | Sep 24, 2013

The odds that you will give birth to a boy or girl depend on where in the world you live

Research over hundreds of years has consistently found that boys naturally outnumber girls at birth. The speculation is that this is nature’s way of countering the relatively high mortality rates of males, and creating more of a gender balance in the population. While historically, there have been about 105 boys born for every 100 girls […]

short reads | Sep 3, 2013

The disappearing male worker

Are men losing interest in work? Male labor force participation rates in the United States have been in steady decline since at least 1950 while women’s labor market participation steadily rose before leveling off about a decade ago. Two recent analyses of U.S. Census data document this trend and offer some unexpected reasons why this […]

short reads | Aug 5, 2013

Even in white collar crime, female crooks face a glass ceiling

A study finds that female white-collar crooks face the same glass ceiling as their law-abiding peers in the corporate world: they typically hold inferior positions to men, rarely are in charge and make significantly less money for their dirty deeds than their male accomplices.

short reads | Jul 30, 2013

Before pope’s comments, Latin American Catholics expressed acceptance of homosexuality

Pope Francis made headlines yesterday in response to a question about the supposed “gay lobby” in the Vatican. The pope reportedly reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church’s position that while homosexual acts were sinful, orientation was not. But he added, “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge […]

report | Jul 29, 2013

More Evidence of Preference for Sons

This posting is an excerpt from a FactTank article about unmarried fatherhood, and which fathers are more likely to acknowledge paternity when asked. Unmarried fathers of sons are slightly more likely to acknowledge paternity than fathers of daughters.

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