short reads | Apr 10, 2014

Gay marriage battle moves back to courts

A federal appeals court today will hear arguments in a constitutional challenge to Utah’s same-sex marriage ban – the first of five court challenges to state bans taking place over the next two weeks. This flurry of court activity comes on the heels of a number of other decisions striking down same-sex marriage bans in […]

short reads | Apr 8, 2014

7 key findings about stay-at-home moms

The share of mothers who do not work outside the home has risen over the past decade, reversing a long-term decline in stay-at-home mothers.

short reads | Mar 10, 2014

61% of young Republicans favor same-sex marriage

Today, 61% of Republicans and Republican leaners under 30 favor same-sex marriage while just 35% oppose it. By contrast, just 27% of Republicans ages 50 and older favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry.

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