short reads | Mar 30, 2015

Americans split over whether businesses must serve same-sex couples

A new Indiana religious freedom law has sparked national debate. Some say it strengthens protection of religious liberty, while others say it could provide legal cover for businesses to discriminate. The U.S. public is divided over these types of issues.

short reads | Jan 27, 2015

What LGBT Americans think of same-sex marriage

Nearly all LGBT Americans support same-sex marriage, but enthusiasm for this new legal change now under review by the U.S. Supreme Court isn't as uniform as one might think.

short reads | Jan 15, 2015

For most highly educated women, motherhood doesn’t start until the 30s

More than half (54%) of mothers near the end of their childbearing years with at least a master’s degree had their first child after their 20s. In fact, one-fifth didn’t become mothers until they were at least 35. Some 28% became moms in their late 20s, and 18% had children earlier in their lives.

report | Nov 14, 2014

Four-in-Ten Couples are Saying “I Do,” Again

In 2013, 40% of new marriages in the U.S. included at least one partner who had been married before. Almost 42 million Americans have been married more than once, up from 22 million in 1980.

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