The battle over same-sex marriage has been about more than whether to allow gays and lesbians to wed. In every state where same-sex marriage is legal – including Illinois, which today became the 16th state to allow gays and lesbians to marry – politicians and others have also debated how to best protect religious freedom. […]
Former Vice President Dick Cheney waded into a public dispute between his daughters on Monday, highlighting the debate in the Republican party over same-sex marriage. The dispute began when daughter Liz Cheney, who is running for a Wyoming Senate seat, said she would not change her position on same-sex marriage despite her sister Mary’s marriage […]
Same-sex couples were able to get married in New Jersey starting today when a court order went into effect ordering the state to recognize them. Gay rights advocates have stepped up their efforts to end prohibitions on gay marriage in at least 20 states.
Three-quarters of U.S. Catholics say the church should permit birth control, about half favor same-sex marriage and just a third (33%) say homosexual behavior is a sin.
In 2012, 36% of the nation’s young adults ages 18 to 31—the so-called Millennial generation—were living in their parents’ home, the highest share in at least four decades. The number of young adults doing so has risen by 3 million since the start of the start of the recession in 2007, an increase driven by a combination of economic, educational and cultural factors.