report | Sep 18, 2013

Income Trends and Gaps

This posting links to an article by Pew Research Center's Rick Fry on four takeaways from the Census Bureau's release of annual income and poverty data.

short reads | Sep 18, 2013

Four takeaways from Tuesday’s Census income and poverty release

On Tuesday the Census Bureau released its annual trove of data on income, poverty and health insurance in 2012. Here were some of the key findings on household income: New data show that median household income has stagnated for the longest period since the government began collecting such data in 1967. In 2012 the median […]

report | Sep 18, 2013

Republicans Sour on Ben Bernanke

Survey Report As Ben Bernanke prepares to step down as chairman of the Federal Reserve in January, the public views him somewhat more favorably (38%) than unfavorably (31%), with 32% unable to offer a rating. Bernanke is better known now than he was in March 2008, when 55% could not rate him; at that time, […]

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