report | Jan 23, 2014

Most See Inequality Growing, but Partisans Differ over Solutions

Survey Report There is broad public agreement that economic inequality has grown over the past decade. But as President Obama prepares for Tuesday’s State of the Union, where he is expected to unveil proposals for dealing with inequality and poverty, there are wide partisan differences over how much the government should – and can – […]

short reads | Jan 15, 2014

College enrollment among low-income students still trails richer groups

Higher education long has been seen as one of the best ways out of poverty, but connecting low-income students — even the high-achieving ones who presumably are best prepared for college-level work — with colleges and universities remains a challenge. On Thursday, President Obama is expected to meet with more than 100 college presidents at […]

short reads | Jan 13, 2014

Data Feed: Living longer and retirement plans, low-income men, declining academic tenure

A daily roundup of fresh data from scholars, governments, think tanks, pollsters and other social science researchers. Politics 36 states under single-party control; where they stand on key issues, The New York Times 2014 midterms and unemployment aid, The Wall Street Journal Some state administrators make more than the governor, Pew Charitable Trusts Economy Employment Trends […]

report | Jan 9, 2014

Why it’s Great to Be the Boss

America’s bosses are more satisfied with their family life, jobs and overall financial situation than are non-managerial employees. Bosses are also significantly more likely than workers to think of their job as a career rather than just a job to get them by.

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