In the past 15 years, the percentage of women who work in newspaper newsrooms has barely budged. Women made up 36% of all newspaper staff in 2012, a slight decline from 37% in 1998.
Student debt burdens are weighing on the economic fortunes of today’s young adults. Among the college-educated, those with outstanding student debt are lagging far behind those who are debt free in terms of household wealth.
Among mothers with professional degrees, such as medical degrees, law degrees or nursing degrees, 11% are out of the workforce in order to care for their families, as are 9% of Master’s degree holders and 6% of mothers with a Ph.D.
Americans' assessment of the economy appears to be at odds with official unemployment statistics. But looking more deeply at job openings, hires and quits can help explain the disconnect.
Substantially more women than men are in jobs that pay the minimum wage of less, , according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data analyzed by the Pew Research Center.
With the midterm elections six months away, Democrats are burdened by an uneven economic recovery and a stubbornly unpopular health care law. Perhaps equally important, Barack Obama’s political standing is in some respects weaker than it was at a comparable point in the 2010 campaign, which ended with the Republicans gaining a majority in the […]
While most manufactured goods are considerably cheaper than they were three decades ago, many key services are much more expensive -- contributing to the paradox of greater material abundance among even poor Americans.
New research finds that living near where there are jobs significantly reduces the amount of time it takes unemployed jobseekers to find work, and that the effect is especially significant for blacks, women and older workers.