Reshaping the workplace: Tech-related jobs that didn’t exist (officially, at least) 15 years ago
Technological change already has reshaped the U.S. workforce -- creating new job categories while others fade away.
Technological change already has reshaped the U.S. workforce -- creating new job categories while others fade away.
Experts in fields ranging from computer science to marketing to social science share their insights on what future impacts AI/robotics will have on jobs
Experts envision automation and intelligent digital agents permeating vast areas of our work and personal lives by 2025, but they are divided on whether these advances will displace more jobs than they create.
Survey Report Amid recent reports on the U.S. unemployment rate and gross domestic product, public views of economic news have improved modestly since February. A 64%-majority of the public says they are hearing “a mix of both good and bad news” about the economy these days, little changed over the last several months. But about […]
This interactive chart makes comparing occupational employment and pay across states not only easy but fun.
States that were hit the hardest by the Great Recession experienced the biggest birthrate declines.
This posting links to a new Pew Research Center report that uses U.S. Census Bureau data to show that a rising share and number of Americans live in multi-generational households, especially young adults. The rise in living-with-family has continued even after the end of the Great Recession.
The number of Americans living in multi-generational households, which spiked during the Great Recession, has risen to a record 57 million in 2012, including about one-in-four young adults ages 25-34.
When the bottom fell out of the news industry during the recession, many newspapers cut their reporting power in statehouse press rooms.
A new Pew Research Center survey finds widespread opposition around the world to U.S. eavesdropping. Still, America’s overall image remains mostly positive. Here are five key takeaways.