short reads | Sep 8, 2014

Who makes minimum wage?

Perhaps surprisingly, not very many people earn minimum wage, and they make up a smaller share of the workforce than they used to.

report | Sep 4, 2014

Views of Job Market Tick Up, No Rise in Economic Optimism

Survey Report In advance of Friday’s jobs report, the public’s assessment of job availability in their local communities has improved modestly. But that has done nothing to boost overall economic optimism. For Americans, jobs are only part of the economic picture: 56% say their family’s incomes are falling behind the cost of living. That is […]

report | Sep 3, 2014

As Growth Stalls, Unauthorized Immigrant Population Becomes More Settled

The number of unauthorized immigrants living in the United States has stabilized since the end of the Great Recession and shows no sign of rising, according to new Pew Research Center estimates. The marked slowdown in new arrivals means that those who remain are more likely to be long-term residents, and to live with their U.S.-born children.

short reads | Aug 29, 2014

For Labor Day, a look at the state of underemployment

Although the official unemployment rate was down to 6.2% in July, many economists and other analysts have concluded that that measure doesn't fully capture what's happened to the U.S. economy since the Great Recession officially ended in the summer of 2009.

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