report | Jan 8, 2015

The Politics of Financial Insecurity

While the least financially secure Americans are more likely to back Democrats, that support is undercut by low political participation. Those who are financially insecure are far more likely to opt out of the political system altogether.

short reads | Dec 30, 2014

Who’s having a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ day around the world

Pew Research's annual Global Attitudes surveys starts by asking respondents how they would describe their day. A median of nearly two-thirds (65%) across 44 countries surveyed in spring 2014 responded that they were having a typical day.

report | Dec 16, 2014

Perceptions of Job News Trend Upward

For the first time in at least five years, as many Americans say they are hearing good news as bad news about the nation’s job situation.

short reads | Nov 25, 2014

6 facts about Japan’s downbeat economy

The world’s third largest economy faces long-term challenges, including pessimistic forecasts from the Japanese public, the hollowing out of Japan’s working-age population and the nation's exorbitant public debt.

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