short reads | Apr 1, 2015

Working-mom guilt? Many dads feel it too

Today's working fathers are just as likely as working mothers to say that finding the right balance between their job and their family life is a challenge.

short reads | Mar 30, 2015

Americans split over whether businesses must serve same-sex couples

A new Indiana religious freedom law has sparked national debate. Some say it strengthens protection of religious liberty, while others say it could provide legal cover for businesses to discriminate. The U.S. public is divided over these types of issues.

report | Mar 19, 2015

Federal Tax System Seen in Need of Overhaul

Survey Report The public sees the nation’s tax system as deeply flawed: 59% say “there is so much wrong with the federal tax system that Congress should completely change it.” Just 38% think the system “works pretty well” and requires “only minor changes.” These opinions have changed little since 2011. With the April 15 filing […]

short reads | Mar 16, 2015

Stock market leads recovery, but inflation cuts into gains

Americans recognize stocks as the feature of the economy that's recovered the most strongly from the Great Recession. But inflation means the market's gains aren't quite as robust as they might first appear.

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