report | Sep 15, 2005
Summary of Findings A summer’s worth of bad news, culminating with Hurricane Katrina, has taken a toll on the public’s mood, particularly when it comes to views of the economy and energy costs. The public’s economic expectations, while hardly robust in the spring, have grown much more negative. Nearly four-in-ten (37%) think economic conditions will […]
report | Aug 2, 2005
Last week’s historic split in the House of Labor was driven, at least in part, by disagreements over whether the AFL-CIO should be focusing more on union organizing drives or electoral politics. Much is at stake, not just for the union movement but also for the political parties. Working class voters are a key swing […]
report | Jul 26, 2005
The Hispanic population is growing faster in much of the South than anywhere else in the United States.
report | Jun 1, 2005
Summary of Findings The public continues to be wary in its assessments of the health of the U.S. economy, despite recent improvement in some key economic indicators. Only about one-in-three Americans think the national economy is in good shape, and optimism about the future is markedly lower than it has been over the past three […]
report | May 23, 2005
The Pew Forum has assembled a variety of resources on welfare reform, including reports, event transcripts and polling data. Pew Forum and Pew Research Center Resources | Advocacy Groups | Other Resources Pew Forum and Pew Research Center Resources Event Transcript: “With Ben Franklin’s Blessings: A Primer on “Faith-Based Initiatives” At a 2005 conference sponsored […]
report | May 2, 2005
Hispanic workers enjoyed significant gains in employment in 2004. But the concentration of Latinos in relatively low-skill occupations contributed to reduced earnings for them for the second year in a row.
report | Apr 20, 2005
Justice Kennedy, and other Justices who may do research online for Court opinions, are joined by about 27 million other adult Americans who use the internet to conduct research connected to their jobs.
report | Mar 23, 2005
by Andrew Kohut in the New York Times
report | Mar 16, 2005
Latinos have distinct demographic and economic characteristics that give them a unique stake in the debate over the future of Social Security.
report | Mar 2, 2005
Most Mexican migrants want to remain in this country indefinitely but would participate in a temporary worker program that granted them legal status for a time and eventually required them to return to Mexico.