report | Jul 26, 2006

Wedge Issues on the Ballot

Democratic leaders, impressed by the purported success of GOP-backed ballot initiatives to ban same sex marriage in the 2004 election are pushing their own wedge initiatives to increase the minimum wage. But are such ballot measures really as potent as claimed?

report | May 23, 2006

Gambling: As the Take Rises, So Does Public Concern

A modest backlash in attitudes towards legalized gambling has taken hold among an American public that spends more money on more forms of legal gambling now than at any time in the nation's history.

report | Apr 18, 2006

Maximum Support for Raising the Minimum

Republican or Democrat, rich or poor, north, east, south or west, the U.S. public says it's time for a big boost for the lowest paid.

fact sheet | Apr 13, 2006

The Labor Force Status of Short-Term Unauthorized Workers

In order to better understand the impact of some proposals before Congress, this fact sheet examines the labor force status of unauthorized workers who have been in the country for five years or less.

report | Mar 30, 2006

America’s Immigration Quandary

A growing number of Americans believe that immigrants are a burden to the country, taking jobs and housing and creating strains on the health care system. Many people also worry about the cultural impact of the expanding number of newcomers in the U.S.

report | Mar 28, 2006

Pinched Pocketbooks

Beyond partisanship -- and behind those healthy economic indicators -- Americans may be seeing something that most economists overlook.

report | Mar 28, 2006

A Barometer of Modern Morals

These edicts represent the collective judgment of the American public when asked to assess the moral dimensions of different kinds of behaviors.

report | Feb 28, 2006

Who’s Feeling Rushed?

Overall, about a quarter of all adults in this country say they always feel rushed, while a majority of Americans sometimes feel rushed and about a quarter almost never feel rushed.

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