report | Sep 13, 2010

Mixed Views of GOP Proposals on Entitlements

Overview The public has sharply different reactions to major changes in Social Security and Medicare programs being proposed by some leading Republicans. While a majority favors a proposal to allow some private investments in Social Security, there is considerably less support for the idea of ending Medicare and replacing it with a system of vouchers […]

report | Jul 26, 2010

Obama’s Policies Seen as Better than Bush’s for Improving the Economy

Overview While most Americans disapprove of Barack Obama’s handling of the economy, far more think his administration’s policies – rather than those of the Bush administration – would do more to improve economic conditions over the next few years. As Congress gears up for debate over the tax cuts passed when Bush was president, the […]

report | Apr 18, 2010

Distrust, Discontent, Anger and Partisan Rancor

Overview By almost every conceivable measure Americans are less positive and more critical of government these days. A new Pew Research Center survey finds a perfect storm of conditions associated with distrust of government – a dismal economy, an unhappy public, bitter partisan-based backlash, and epic discontent with Congress and elected officials. Rather than an […]

report | Feb 9, 2009

Support for Stimulus Plan Slips, But Obama Rides High

Overview After weeks of intense debate over President Obama’s economic stimulus plan, a narrow majority of Americans (51%) who have heard about the $800 billion plan say it is a good idea, while 34% say it is a bad idea. In January, the balance of opinion regarding the plan was more positive: 57% of those […]

report | Mar 28, 2006

A Barometer of Modern Morals

These edicts represent the collective judgment of the American public when asked to assess the moral dimensions of different kinds of behaviors.

report | May 7, 2003

Americans More Optimistic About Economy, But Not Bush Tax Cut

Summary of Findings With the war in Iraq over, Americans are feeling more optimistic about a turnaround in the national economy, and a greater number than at the beginning of the year think that President Bush is doing as much as he can to improve economic conditions. But the president’s tax cut proposal continues to […]

report | Feb 25, 2003

Tax Plan Fails to Connect, Bush’s Economic Ratings Sag

Introduction and Summary President Bush’s tax-cut plan is getting a tepid reception from the public and has failed to stem a steady erosion of his ratings on the economy. Barely four-in-ten Americans (43%) approve of his handling of the economy, while 48% disapprove. This marks the first time in Bush’s presidency a Pew survey has […]

transcript | May 9, 2001

Charity Tax Credits: Federal Policy and Three Leading States

Washington, D.C. Charity Tax Credits: Federal Policy and Three Leading States, paper presented by Margy Waller, Former White House Senior Advisor for Welfare and Working Families Discussants: Mark Anderson, Arizona State Representative (R) Robert Boisture, Counsel, Independent Sector, and Member, Caplin & Drysdale Sharon Daly, Vice President for Social Policy, Catholic Charities USA Michael J. […]

report | Feb 22, 2001

Bush Approval on Par, No Tax Cut Momentum

Introduction and Summary The public’s view of George W. Bush’s first month in office is remarkably unremarkable. Despite the extraordinary path he took to the White House, Americans are reacting to Bush in much the same way they responded to his predecessors. Bush’s modest February job approval rating (53%) is comparable to ratings accorded Bill […]

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