short reads | Aug 15, 2016

In debates, voters want to hear most about terrorism and the economy

Given the chance to decide how much time is spent on each of 10 specific issues, voters would allocate more time to discussions of the candidates’ plans on keeping the U.S. safe from terrorism and on economic growth and much less time to discussion of abortion policy.

short reads | Apr 6, 2016

The biggest U.S. tax breaks

The hundreds of exemptions, deductions and other breaks embedded in the tax code will cost the federal government more than $1.3 trillion this fiscal year.

short reads | Mar 18, 2016

5 facts about U.S. relations with Cuba

The renewal of diplomatic and economic ties has drawn widespread support in the U.S., but significant partisan differences on the future of the relationship between the two countries remain.

short reads | Mar 10, 2016

American trade issues aren’t just about China

Americans have good reason to worry about competition from China, the country with which the U.S. has its largest merchandise trade deficit. But competition from high-value exporters such as Germany also poses a challenge that, so far, has been largely ignored on the campaign trail.

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