report | Sep 24, 2008

Networked Workers

The majority of employed adults (62%) use the internet or email at their job, and many have cell phones and Blackberries that keep them connected even when they are not at work.

report | Sep 15, 2008

Online News: Should You Be Reading This at Work?

The internet is allowing Americans to stay constantly informed about the news of the day -- on the company dollar - regardless of whether keeping up-to-date is important to their job.

fact sheet | May 8, 2008

Hispanic Women in the United States, 2007

There are 30.1 million Hispanic adults in the United States and 14.4 million of them--or 48%--are women, according to recent U.S. Census Bureau estimates.

report | May 7, 2008

Hard Hats See Hard Times

While the latest statistics reported fewer job losses than analysts expected, the public is expressing increasing concern about job availability; but unlike in the 1992 downturn, such worries are concentrated in the lower portions of the income spectrum.

report | Apr 16, 2008

You’re Laid Off

At a time when the American economy is trending down and the unemployment rate is ticking up, one out of every seven U.S. workers fear they will be laid off in the next 12 months.

report | Nov 29, 2007

English Usage Among Hispanics in the United States

Nearly all Hispanic adults born in the United States of immigrant parents report they are fluent in English. By contrast, only a small minority of their parents describe themselves as skilled English speakers.

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