Americans generally support paid family and medical leave, according to a new Pew Research Center survey, but relatively few workers have access to it. Access to paid leave varies considerably by industry, type of employer and employer's size.
Most Americans say workers should receive paid leave, but the level of support varies across different situations. Experiences with leave vary by income and gender.
One hundred years after Jeannette Rankin became the first female member of the U.S. Congress, women remain underrepresented in political and business leadership.
Immigrants made up 17.2% of the total U.S. workforce in 2014, or about 27 million workers. Private households were the biggest immigrant-employing "industry," followed by textile, apparel and leather manufacturers and the farm sector.
The increase in the potential labor force will slow markedly as Baby Boomers retire. Immigrants will play the primary role in future growth of the working-age population.
Although the unemployment rate gets most of the attention, the government's monthly jobs report contains lots of other data that, properly interpreted, can provide a fuller picture of the U.S. economy.