Most Americans are confident that private space companies will make meaningful contributions in developing safe and reliable spacecraft or conducting research to expand space knowledge.
Lee Rainie, Director of Internet and Technology research, spoke about the skills requirements for jobs in the future at the International Telecommunications Union’s “capacity building symposium” for digital technologies.
The number of Americans represented by labor unions has decreased substantially since the 1950s, and a new survey finds that the decline is seen more negatively than positively by U.S. adults. The survey also finds that 55% of Americans have a favorable impression of unions, with about as many (53%) viewing business corporations favorably.
Sortable table that provides details on the 113 U.S. metro areas that had 2,000 or more foreign students approved for the U.S. government's Optional Practical Training (OPT) program from 2004 to 2016.
Only about 5% of the chief executive officers of 1,500 companies we examined were women. Among the tier of executives just below the CEO in terms of pay and position in the corporate hierarchy, 11.5% were women.
As of 2017, 56 million Millennials were working or looking for work, more than the 53 million Generation Xers and 41 million Baby Boomers in the labor force.
Many Americans see new difficulties for men in workplace interactions and little effect on women's career opportunities amid the increased focus on sexual harassment and assault.