Health Data Geeks’ Wisdom
Cancer "weather maps," the age of biology, and how cell-only adults really are different from landline users.
Cancer "weather maps," the age of biology, and how cell-only adults really are different from landline users.
Tom Ferguson's spirit lives on at
This presentation provides data and insights about how the "participatory Web" may change how survey researchers think about online health information, as well as data on adults who continue to be offline in an online world.
Web metrics are a spectator sport for me and I watch the ticker like a fan who knows the game is sometimes rigged.
Hispanics with lower levels of education and English proficiency remain largely disconnected from the internet.
Hispanics with lower levels of education and English proficiency remain largely disconnected from the internet.
Tagging, blogging, and social networking sites allow internet users to search for, catalog, and disseminate information.
The base of the internet is broadening to include more people with less education than ever before, while older Americans are still overwhelmingly offline. Internet users who have experienced spyware act differently online from those who have not....
51% of internet users ages 18 to 29 have looked online for housing information and 9% do so on a typical day.
Any system being designed for consumers should take advantage of two trends: the centrality of search and the importance of peer advice (whether via email, social networking sites, blogs, or other emerging technologies). Both trends are likely to ...