Participation Matters
Pew Internet research shows that, in politics and in health care, participation matters as much as access.
Pew Internet research shows that, in politics and in health care, participation matters as much as access.
Susannah Fox will present data about the impact of the internet on health and health care to a meeting of the HIT Policy Committee, convened by David Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.P., National Coordinator...
Susannah Fox will be a special guest at Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase, a one-day event highlighting practical, cutting-edge efforts to build what Tim O'Reilly has called "government as a platform."
The goal of this FCC workshop was to assess, and facilitate a conversation about, the current state of data on broadband adoption and utilization, as well as the associated measurement and other challenges. Susannah Fox discussed the Pew Internet ...
Federal agencies can, and should, be the first responders to health questions. Social media can help.
Participation Powers Prevention was the theme of the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing & Media. Susannah Fox presented the latest data on social media and health care.
This webinar will focus on a key question: What will patient-centered care look like if information technology is successfully woven into the health system?
Rep. Jerry Nadler, Susannah Fox, Jamie Heywood, and Esther Dyson discussed the coming revolution in health care.
A hearing was held to discover privacy, security, and confidentiality issues around personal health records, social media, and the future of medicine.
Participatory medicine is taking hold with both citizens and health professionals. But there are still pockets of people who lack access to the basic technology, lack the skills required to participate, or who may lack the sense that they are welc...