Susannah Fox

Former Researcher

presentation | Mar 3, 2014

Cancer Communication in the Digital Age

Susannah Fox will present the latest research on social media and health at a workshop hosted by the President’s Cancer Panel at the National Cancer Institute: "Cancer Communication: In the Digital Era, Opportunities Amongst the Challenges."

report | Feb 27, 2014

The Web at 25 in the U.S.

The overall verdict: The internet has been a plus for society and an especially good thing for individual users

presentation | Feb 13, 2014

Health Information Online

Susannah Fox will be on a panel entitled, “What Information Do Patients Want and Need?” at the annual meeting of the National Quality Forum.

presentation | Feb 6, 2014

Participatory Research

Susannah Fox will be a guest lecturer for a course on patient engagement design at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

short reads | Jan 15, 2014

The social life of health information

Our national survey finds that seven-in-ten (72%) adult internet users say they have searched online for information about a range of health issues, the most popular being specific diseases and treatments.

short reads | Dec 17, 2013

What ails America? Dr. Google can tell you

Dr. Google’s waiting room was crowded in 2013. Online search has become an easy way for people to learn more about what’s ailing them, either to self-diagnose or find a remedy.

presentation | Dec 6, 2013

Sharing Data and Decisions for Health

Susannah Fox will speak at a meeting of the Evidence Communication Innovation Collaborative, an initiative of the Roundtable on Value & Science-Driven Health Care, at the Institute of Medicine in Washington, DC.

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