Shreenita Ghosh

Former Research Associate

report | Jun 15, 2023

A Profile of the Top-Ranked Podcasts in the U.S.

True crime is the most common topic, making up 24% of top-ranked podcasts; 15% of the top podcasts focus on news. The next most common topics are politics and government (10%); entertainment, pop culture and the arts (9%); and self-help and relationships (8%).

short reads | Dec 21, 2022

Key facts about Rumble

Here are key facts about the alternative social media service Rumble, an online video-sharing platform founded in 2013.

report | Oct 6, 2022

The Role of Alternative Social Media in the News and Information Environment

In recent years, several new options have emerged in the social media universe, many of which explicitly present themselves as alternatives to more established social media platforms. Free speech ideals and heated political themes prevail on these sites, which draw praise from their users and skepticism from other Americans.

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