Rich Morin

Former Senior Editor

report | Jun 11, 2015

Multiracial in America

Multiracial Americans are at the cutting edge of social and demographic change in the U.S.

report | Jun 11, 2015

Multiracial in America

Multiracial Americans are at the cutting edge of social and demographic change in the U.S.

short reads | Jul 2, 2014

Facebook’s experiment causes a lot of fuss for little result

The controversy over what the Facebook researchers did may be overshadowing other important discussions, specifically conversations about what they really found—not much, actually—and the right and wrong way to think about and report findings based on statistical analyses of Big Data.

report | Jan 9, 2014

Why it’s Great to Be the Boss

America’s bosses are more satisfied with their family life, jobs and overall financial situation than are non-managerial employees. Bosses are also significantly more likely than workers to think of their job as a career rather than just a job to get them by.

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