A New Journalism for Democracy in a New Age
A speech delivered at the Escuela de Periodismo UAM/El País, Madrid, Spain, February 1, 2005
A speech delivered at the Escuela de Periodismo UAM/El País, Madrid, Spain, February 1, 2005
A PEJ study on how the press covered the pivotal period of the 2004 Presidential Campaign.
What happened this summer, and particularly last week, is likely to be recalled as the end of the era of network news. At the very least, mark this as the moment when the networks abdicated their authority with the American public.
If presidential campaigns are about character and control of message, neither candidate has had much success so far, a new PEJ study finds.
This section of the State of the News Media 2004 report details the results of a survey of more than 500 national and local reporters, editors and executives. The survey was conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press in collaboration with the Project for Excellence in Journalism and the Committee of Concerned Journalists.
A look at coverage of the presidential election on top news Web sites during the heat of the primary season.
PEJ examines how the Lynch saga grew and changed in the media over time.
Thank you. It is an honor, and pleasure, to be here for the Ruhl Symposium. It was also, I have to add, moving to be here for the Payne Awards. Hearing the stories of the winners, of the hardships these journalists had to overcome, including death threats, legal pressure and government coercion, ...
The study examines the tendencies of different local television news ownership structures.
Initial PEJ research into the relationship between quality and profits indicates that good journalism is good business.