Paul Taylor

Former Author of The Next America and the former Vice President of Pew Research Center

report | Jul 29, 2009

Nap Time

On a typical day, a third of the adults in the United States take a nap. Napping thrives among all demographic groups, but it’s more widespread among some than others.

report | May 28, 2009

Who’s Hispanic?

The question of who's Hispanic -- and who isn't -- turns out to be pretty complicated.

report | Apr 8, 2009

Smokers Can’t Blow Off Stress

While many say they light up to relieve stress, half of all smokers say they "frequently" experience stress in their daily lives, compared with just 35% of those who once smoked and have now quit, and 31% of those who never smoked.

report | Oct 23, 2008

Republicans: Still Happy Campers

Despite the imploding stock market, the looming recession, the unpopular president and the dismal political polls, there's very good news in the one realm of life that’s always been a special sanctuary for Republicans. Personal happiness.

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