Mark Jurkowitz

Senior Writer

short reads | Jun 5, 2013

Is MSNBC the place for opinion?

MSNBC president Phil Griffin generated plenty of media attention this week when he said, in a New York Times interview, that his channel was “not the place” for breaking news. “Our brand is not that.” Griffin was responding to a significant decline in MSNBC’s ratings, which the Times reported was down 18% in prime time […]

short reads | May 22, 2013

Citizen eyewitnesses provide majority of top online news videos in Oklahoma tornado disaster

In recent years, natural disasters around the world have been chronicled by a new kind of visual journalism, often produced by citizen eyewitnesses and posted to the video sharing site YouTube. These videos represent a way of “crowdsourcing” a dramatic breaking news event, frequently before professional journalists can arrive on the scene.

report | Mar 17, 2013

The Changing TV News Landscape

The news programs that Americans watch on national cable channels and their local television stations have changed significantly in recent years while the network evening newscasts have remained remarkably stable, according to a new study from the Pew Research Center.

report | Aug 9, 2012

For Communication Grads, a Modest Job Recovery

What’s the job market like for 2011 mass communication and journalism graduates? According to a new survey from the University of Georgia, there was an uptick in the percentage of bachelor degree recipients who found jobs and, for the first time in years, a small increase in their salaries. But the overall picture is far from rosy.

report | Apr 23, 2012

How the Media Covered the 2012 Primary Campaign

As the 2012 presidential race shifts from the GOP primary battle to the general election matchup between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, a new PEJ study reveals what the public has been told about the two candidates by the media.  It also finds that Mitt Romney emerged as the winner of the media primary weeks before Rick Santorum dropped out.

report | Mar 15, 2012

The Viral Kony 2012 Video

Young adults heard more about the viral video against Joseph Kony and were more likely to learn about it through social media than other sources

report | Feb 7, 2012

On Twitter, Still Tough Going for Komen

After the furor over its decision to defund Planned Parenthood, the Susan G. Komen foundation reversed course and a key official resigned.

report | Aug 5, 2009

Grim Employment Picture for Communication Grads

The 2008 class of journalism and communications graduates is suffering the worst job prospects on record, according to a new report from the University of Georgia. And as those numbers seem to be reflected in growing pessimism about the news industry among degree recipients, it’s forcing many of them to be more flexible about career aspirations.

report | Aug 7, 2008

Amid Layoffs and Cutbacks, Communication Grads Find Jobs

A new University of Georgia survey of recent degree recipients finds that despite the growing economic ills of the media industry, the job market for 2007 graduates was basically unchanged from a year earlier. And sometimes, the absence of bad news can be good news.

report | Apr 23, 2008

How Different Is Murdoch’s New Wall Street Journal?

Many people expected Rupert Murdoch to be an activist owner when he bought the Wall Street Journal last year. So what’s happened to the paper under his tenure? A PEJ study of Journal front pages finds that under the new regime, there’s a lot less business and a lot more Beltway.

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