Lee Rainie

Former Director, Internet and Technology Research

report | Jul 20, 2012

The Future of Big Data

While many see promise in the future of data analysis, some fear that work with gigantic stores of information could lead to privacy abuses and mistaken forecasts

report | Jun 29, 2012

The Future of Smart Systems

Experts think tech-enhanced homes, appliances, and utilities will spread. But those systems are complex and so far there is low public demand, so they advise: Don't expect to see the "Home of the Future" by 2020.

presentation | Jun 24, 2012

The Rise of E-Reading

Director Lee Rainie shared recent survey findings and other research about the rise of e-books, their impact on people’s reading habits, and the way that library patrons are hoping to avail themselves of e-book borrowing. He also explored general ...

presentation | May 31, 2012

The Rise of Networked Information

Lee Rainie was the morning keynote speaker at the Society for Scholarly Publishing's conference on May 31, discussing how people use technology to gather, share, and create information.

presentation | May 10, 2012

Learning in the digital age

Lee Rainie will give the keynote presentation titled "Learning in the Digital Age: Where Libraries Fit In" at the 21st Annual Minitex ILL Conference in Minnesota.

presentation | Apr 30, 2012

The New Environment for Foundations

Lee Rainie spoke about how a advances in digital technology, rapid changes in how citizens access and engage with news and information, and the continued reshaping of the traditional media are dramatically altering the environment in which foundat...

presentation | Apr 27, 2012

News in a networked world

Lee Rainie will discuss the Project’s latest findings about how people use the internet, smartphones, and social media tools to get news, share news, and create news.

presentation | Apr 20, 2012

Citizen 2.0

Director Lee Rainie will give the “Citizen 2.0” talk at a Webinar called Forum PA

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