Most U.S. Teens See Anxiety and Depression as a Major Problem Among Their Peers
Whether they personally experience these conditions, seven-in-ten teens today see mental health issues as major problems among people their age in their communities.
Whether they personally experience these conditions, seven-in-ten teens today see mental health issues as major problems among people their age in their communities.
About half of Americans say society looks up to men who are masculine, and 60% of these say this is a good thing. Views differ by party, gender and race.
A majority of Americans would like to see more women in top leadership positions in business and politics, but many are skeptical there will ever be gender parity in these areas. Views about the state of female leadership vary by party and gender.
Women are running for Congress in record numbers this year, and most Americans say this is a good thing. But there’s little consensus among the public about how – or whether – things would change if more women were elected. More than four-in-ten Americans say they personally hope a woman will be elected president in their lifetime.
Despite widening gaps in politics and demographics, Americans across community types have a lot in common in key facets of their lives.
Last year, more than half of U.S. adults said they would oppose allowing teachers and officials to carry guns in K-12 schools.
More Americans say it's good to steer girls toward boy-oriented toys and activities than say boys should be encouraged to play with girl-oriented toys.
Take our quiz to find out how your views on gender and gender equality stack up against those of the American public.
Take our quiz to find out how your views on gender and gender equality stack up against those of the American public.
Most Americans see fundamental differences between men and women in their traits and characteristics and in the pressures they face from society.