Federal judicial picks have become more contentious, and Trump’s are no exception
Trump's federal judicial picks have faced a record amount of opposition, reflecting growing discord over presidential appointments to the judiciary.
Trump's federal judicial picks have faced a record amount of opposition, reflecting growing discord over presidential appointments to the judiciary.
Eine Studie, die vom Pew Research Center im vergangenen Frühjahr in 38 Ländern durchgeführt wurde, gibt für die Zukunft von Demokratie weltweit sowohl Anlass zum Optimismus als auch zur Sorge.
Un sondage mené par le Pew Research Center dans 38 pays au printemps dernier a provoqué une bouffée d’optimisme autant que des inquiétudes quant à l’avenir de la démocratie à travers le monde.
Una encuesta realizada esta primavera por el Pew Research Center en 38 países concluyó que existen razones para el optimismo, pero también inquietudes sobre el futuro de la democracia alrededor del mundo.
Allegations about sexual misconduct by prominent men in politics, entertainment, media and other industries have reverberated across the United States in recent months, drawing attention to issues of gender equality in the workplace and in broader American society.
Americans are far more likely to say there are strong conflicts between Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. today than to say the same for other groups.
Many U.S. adults say they would benefit a lot from having at least one of seven different kinds of help in accessing information to help with decision-making.
Many around the world say representative democracy is a good way to run their country. Compare global views of political systems and read six key findings.
It’s common for Americans to know someone with a current or past drug addiction – and it’s an experience that mostly cuts across demographic and partisan lines.
About one-in-five U.S. gun owners say they have ever contacted a public official to express their opinion on gun policy, compared with 12% of non-gun owners.