At the statehouse, ideological press tries to fill a void in news coverage
When the bottom fell out of the news industry during the recession, many newspapers cut their reporting power in statehouse press rooms.
When the bottom fell out of the news industry during the recession, many newspapers cut their reporting power in statehouse press rooms.
A growing number of dailies have reduced the amount of newsprint they devote to editorials and commentary, a departure from tradition that has gone largely unnoticed outside the affected communities.
News outlets often have an adversarial relationship with the government, a longstanding tension underscored most recently by the Obama administration’s pursuit of leaks to the Associated Press and Fox News Channel and the decisions of the Washington Post and the Guardian newspapers to publish National Security Agency documents. Nevertheless, it might come as a surprise […]
It’s not on the air yet but, already, Al Jazeera America is creating a buzz in the world of journalism. Unlike so many news outlets that have been shedding staff the past few years, it’s hiring (and hiring big), bringing on about 800 employees as it prepares to launch an ambitious cable news channel later this year.