About three-quarters of Americans favor steps to restrict altered videos and images
A majority of Americans say altered videos and images create confusion about current issues, and most support restrictions on such content.
A majority of Americans say altered videos and images create confusion about current issues, and most support restrictions on such content.
Politicians viewed as major creators of it, but journalists seen as the ones who should fix it
Republicans and Democrats are particularly divided on how closely they connect made-up news to the news media or to President Trump.
A majority of Americans believe the news media do not understand people like them, and this feeling is especially common among Republicans.
Younger U.S. adults were better than their elders at differentiating between factual and opinion statements in a survey conducted in early 2018.
While most Americans expect news will be accurate, most also say news organizations cover up mistakes, take sides
The politically aware, digitally savvy and those more trusting of the news media fare better in differentiating factual statements from opinions.
News stories about the beginning of Trump administration’s presidency that included one of his tweets were more likely to have an overall negative assessment.
During the early days of the administration, similar storylines were covered across outlets, but the types of sources cited and assessments of Trump’s actions differed.
Where do Americans go to stay informed about science topics? Here are some key takeaways about Americans’ science news habits today.