report | Dec 15, 2011
A set of moving photographs that helped define the year 2011 generated major attention in the blogosphere (and also helped BuzzFeed have its busiest day of online traffic ever). Teen singers dominated the conversation on Twitter and a Mexican presidential candidate’s gaffe was the most popular news video on YouTube.
report | Dec 1, 2011
A pepper-spraying incident at UC Davis set off a viral video on YouTube and critical commentary on blogs. In addition, conservative commentator David Frum received rare kudos from liberal bloggers.
report | Nov 3, 2011
The GOP presidential hopefuls were a major topic for bloggers and Twitter users last week as two other subjects also generated significant interest in both social media platforms—the Occupy Wall Street protests and the life and legacy of Steve Jobs.
report | Oct 20, 2011
The Netflix decision to drop earlier plans to split its services was seen as a victory for the power of social media last week. The iPhone 4S continued to be a hot topic on both blogs and Twitter. And a bloody goring at a bullfight was the most popular YouTube video.
report | Oct 6, 2011
The recently announced iPhone 4S triggered huge anticipation online last week, with many tech bloggers expecting an iPhone 5 instead. Changes to social networks Facebook and Google+ also fueled the online conversation. And the protests on Wall Street were among the top subjects on YouTube and Twitter.
report | Sep 22, 2011
The 10-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon was a prominent topic on blogs, Twitter and YouTube last week. Bloggers and Tweeters also engaged in some serious speculation about the upcoming edition of the iPhone.
report | Sep 15, 2011
News about two major tech companies generated plenty of attention on both blogs and Twitter last week. One involved an abrupt changing of the guard at Yahoo and the other was an interesting addition to the Google portfolio. On YouTube, some strange animals were the top stories.
report | Sep 1, 2011
The resignation of the admired businessman and inventor dominated Twitter for the week, far outpacing a pair of natural disasters on the East Coast. On YouTube an international basketball brawl drew significant attention while bloggers were stunned at the size of our national debt.
report | Aug 25, 2011
Last week, Google’s purchase of Motorola was big news on both Twitter and in the blogosphere. But Warren Buffet’s financial philosophy also scored high. On blogs, rumors about an upcoming iPhone model and discussion of various 2012 GOP candidates were prominent.
report | Aug 4, 2011
A comparison between the Tea Party and characters in the Lord of the Rings trilogy generated a lively debate on the blogosphere last week. Twitter users complained about Formula 1auto racing. And the most viewed videos on YouTube depicted the carnage from the July 22 attacks in Norway.