report | Dec 28, 2005

How Women and Men Use the Internet

Men continue to pursue many internet activities more intensively than women. At the same time, trend data show that women are catching up in overall use and are framing their online experience with a greater emphasis on deepening connections with peo...

report | Oct 14, 2005

Skype and glaciers

The thrill of getting an internet phone call from 35,000 feet.

report | Apr 28, 2005

Baby v. bathwater

Bill Gates sounds off on music file sharing.

report | Apr 14, 2005

Virtual VOA

There is a new online cat-and-mouse game between the United States and China, the two internet superpowers.

report | Apr 10, 2005

Spam and Phishing

More than a year after the CAN-SPAM Act became law, email users say they are receiving slightly more spam in their inboxes than before, but they are minding it less.

report | Mar 7, 2005

The Politics of Spam

Data on how Americans' feel about emails from politicians or interest groups.

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