Search Engine Use
The percentage of internet users who use search engines on a typical day has been steadily rising from about one-third of all users in 2002, to a new high of just under one-half (49%).
The percentage of internet users who use search engines on a typical day has been steadily rising from about one-third of all users in 2002, to a new high of just under one-half (49%).
Media focus in China turned away weeks ago from the May 12 earthquake to the Beijing Olympics, which begin in just a few days.
People say the Chinese internet is mostly an entertainment network. But looking at what happened online during the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake reveals a Chinese internet with a depth and soul and much, much more.
People say the Chinese internet is mostly an entertainment network. But looking at what happened online during the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake reveals a Chinese internet with a depth and soul and much, much more.
Senior Research Fellow Deborah Fallows reports from China on how the earthquake recovery is portrayed on TV and on the internet.
(Read on for an account of how blogs, Twitter, and Google provided news coverage in China this week.)
Another example of how Chinese newspapers, websites, and internet users react in harmony and rally on many issues: "People 'sign up' to slam media bias."
How the Fair Housing Act intersected with Pew Internet Project data via Craigslist.
In China, even mooncakes are making their way online.
In my ongoing quest to visit as many internet cafes in China as possible, I was on the lookout last week during our visit to Urumqi (aka: Wulumuqi), a city of about 3 million along the Silk Road in the northwest corner of China.