APSA 2019 roundup: Research on political socialization, campaign spending and misinformation
Researchers are learning more about early political socialization. Emerging techniques to fight misinformation are seeing some success.
Researchers are learning more about early political socialization. Emerging techniques to fight misinformation are seeing some success.
Three-quarters of Republicans have a favorable opinion of the Supreme Court, compared with only about half of Democrats.
When Republicans assess the climate for political discourse, they see a more hospitable environment for Democrats than for members of their own party.
Partisans have moved apart not just in political values and approaches to addressing issues, but also on the issues they identify as top priorities.
The American public’s views of the impact immigrants have on the country remain largely positive – and deeply partisan.
The way polling questions are asked can influence people's answers. Survey experiments are one way to measure the degree to which different questions elicit different answers.
Overall, 43% of Americans say withdrawing American troops from Syria would be the right decision, while 45% say it would not.
Regression is a statistical method that allows us to look at the relationship between two variables, while holding other factors equal.
Many federal workers live and work far from D.C., with substantial numbers in districts scattered across the country – and represented by both Democratic and GOP members of Congress.
Among GOP House incumbents who lost their re-election campaigns, 23 of 30 were more moderate than the median Republican in the chamber.