presentation | May 28, 2009

Teens, Mobile and Games

At a Federal Trade Commission brownbag, Amanda Lenhart reviewed four years of Pew Internet data on youth and mobile phones as well as Pew findings on youth and video games.

presentation | May 13, 2009

Cyberbullying: What the research is telling us…

This talk surveys the current research on cyberbullying and online harassment, pulling in Pew Internet data as well as the work of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, Internet Solutions for Kids and othe...

presentation | Apr 22, 2009

Teens and Mobile Phones

The Family Online Safety Institute convened the Wireless Online Safety Conference to examine issues around youth, mobile phones and safety. Amanda Lenhart sets the scene with this presentation, sharing 5 years of Pew Internet data on teens and cel...

presentation | Apr 10, 2009

Teens and Social Media: An Overview

This talk presents an overview of Pew Internet project data on teens and social media, including teen tech tool ownership, communication patterns over social networks and mobile phones as well analysis of how young adults 18-29 seeking health info...

report | Feb 12, 2009

Twitter and status updating

As of December 2008, 11% of online American adults said they used a service like Twitter or another service that allowed them to share updates about themselves or to see the updates of others.

report | Jan 14, 2009

Adults and Social Network Websites

The share of adult internet users who have a profile on an online social network site has more than quadrupled in the past four years -- from 8% in 2005 to 35% at the end of 2008.

report | Dec 7, 2008

Adults and Video Games

Over half of American adults play video games, and four in five young adults play games. Computers are the most popular gaming device, though young adults prefer gaming consoles. Virtual worlds only draw a small crowd.

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